
Armchair Adventures 

A popular programme which came into being during Covid when members and friends showed photos, powerpoint presentations and shared travel experiences and memories. It offers a vicarious opportunity to see some of the famous landmarks of  U.K., Europe and the world. In person & via zoom.


Coffee Mornings

designated Saturdays, 10 am-12 noon

Our coffee mornings – in person and/or zoom -  are opportunities for meeting, sharing and learning – with offers of various programmes – as well as raising awareness and supporting different local and national charities.
Once a month the Coffee Morning comes with Children`s Space – an opportunity for families to form connections and have fun.

Friday`s Friendly Space

2-4 pm (May-November) 

OMH is open every Friday between 2.00 pm. and 4.00 pm with an offer of space for Arts & crafts, games, refreshments and good company!  The members mostly do their own work but contribute to charity and community appeals knitting poppies or small blankets for Aid Convoys and the Stay and Play group. You do not have to do any “artsy” things to join us; you might prefer to play Scrabble or Chess or some other game.
The meeting is open to anyone and you are welcome to call in for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat! In person only. 


Warm Hub on Fridays, 10am-1pm (December-April)

We invite you to spend Friday morning in our warm space or just drop by for a drink and a little rest.  On offer hot drinks, snacks, newspapers, books, free wi-fi, games, or a friendly chat! Open to all!

Poetry Group 

There is a  bi-monthly Poetry Gathering on a designated Saturday morning between 11am – 12 noon. Each gathering has a theme, and members bring poems on those themes to share. The themes are varied, including Food, Hopes and Dreams, Seasons, Famous Poets and more. It’s a friendly group, and everybody is welcome, with or without a poem. The Poetry Group meeting is offered both in person and via zoom. 


Stay and Play

The Stay and Play group for toddlers under 5 meets on Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11:30 am in term time in our big Schoolroom. A donation of £3 is expected per family – covering snacks, materials for activities, heating and lighting - but concessions are available. The group is community focused and welcomes children and families from a range of cultures and countries.

Women`s League 

The Women`s League meets on the first Thursday of the month at 11 am – both in person and via zoom -  with a wide range of topics presented by members or guest-speakers. Tea and Biscuits are served after each meeting with opportunity for discussion and sharing. The meetings are open to all.
The Women`s League is a member of the British League of Unitarian and Liberal Christian Women and of the Organizing Committee of the World Day of Prayer for Mansfield and area.

Hot Cross Buns &

Mary Mallatratt

The distribution of Hot Cross Buns by the Old Meeting House Unitarians in Mansfield on Good Friday is an annual tradition, dating back to 1894. Mrs Mary Mallatratt, popular Landlady of the Blue Boar Hotel (now the Santander Bank) in Mansfield Market Place bequeathed in her will £100 to be invested, and the interest accrued annually to be spent on the purchase of buns for children and distributed on Good Friday. The custom has continued uninterrupted since 1894 apart from the war years. Many people in Mansfield and area still remember queuing for the bun. During the pandemic years the buns were donated to the Foodbank. The tradition is kept alive and buns are distributed on Stockwell Gate each Good Friday, but the larger part of the buns now goes to the Foodbank which is very much in accord with the benefactor`s wishes and will reach those families and those children who most need it.


Community Outreach 

We offer a wide range of ongoing or one-off activities and programmes to create opportunities and connections, to support each other and to sustain and enhance our presence and service in our larger community. 

We have a number of opportunities to live out our Unitarian principles on social action and responsibility and to serve the wider community. We support local, national and international charities, through fundraising, raising awareness of social issues, and being involved in different campaigns.  

Contact: Paul Frost, Chairperson, 

One-off events: Concerts, Lectures and Guest-speakers on different topics, Movie afternoons, Play- reading and more – as announced.

Yoga Group

Meets every Tuesday at 2:00 pm in the Big Schoolroom. Everyone is welcome. The exercises are very basic and participants are encouraged to join in according to their abilities.